Friday, October 19, 2012

Does Romney Support Abortion or Not?

The blog that I will be writing a review on is Michelle Goldberg.

                Are traditional values being ignored by young America, or is there a new culture forming in America with new-age values and beliefs? In the above blog Michelle Goldberg attempts to clear the air for Governor Mitt Romney’s policies on contraceptives and abortion; this would allow Romney to close the gender gap of his political party.  The mass majority believes that Romney is completely against contraceptives and abortion; however “Romney doesn’t oppose contraception at all. In fact, he thinks abortion should be an option in cases of rape, incest, or to save a mother’s life.”--  but how many women get abortions under such circumstances?  Not many, but this allows Governor Romney to gain votes from traditional conservatives and the new-age republicans.
                Governor Romney is able to appeal to traditional republicans and the new generation of republicans by being pro-abortion (under certain circumstances). This provides a safety net for young republicans and voters that are undecided. During the past two presidential debates Governor Romney has stayed clear from religious arguments about contraceptives and has not discussed his past ideas of cutting off funding for Planned Parenthood. This allows Governor Romney to appeal to the new generation by giving more rights to an individual.
                The blog written by Goldberg is objective. Goldberg stays clear of biased and uses facts. Goldenberg is attempting to reach out to voters that are undecided and republicans. Goldenberg does want the audience to think about Governor Romney’s sudden pivot on the subject of contraceptives and abortions, but she does not attempt to bash either party.  Goldenberg’s argues that his pivot would benefit those against abortion, because he would eventually be able to make abortion illegal at the state level and later the federal level. I believe her argument is valid, but overall abortion should be legal. Religion has hindered technology advances for thousands of years and Christians aren't the most holy spirits around—hasn’t anyone ever read about the crusades? Probably not.

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