Friday, September 21, 2012


On September 19th 2012 ABC news gave Governor Mitt Romney a chance to 'roll with the punches', but it seems that his comments about the 47% of Americans that are dependent on the government for an income has got him down for the count.I have watched the edited versions of the video from many news stations such as ABC,CNN,PBS, and FOX-- then I decided to watch the full video. Governor Romney makes it clear that his father was not a stranger to calloused hands and sun damaged skin. He was an owner of his own construction business in Mexico and decided to come to the U.S where he learned that in order to succeed you cannot be afraid of failure. Governor Romney goes own to explain that being American is like being born with a silver-spoon; and I agree. To be born in America is a great blessing, because there is so much opportunity; however opportunity does not present itself to those who are not willing to work. After receiving heat for belching, "47% of Americans are dependent on the Government and will continue to vote for Obama", Romney goes on to say that these are the people that will choose not to vote Republican-- I agree. Before I get tons of 'hate mail' and random cyber-jabs, I would like to point out that the majority of those 47% are not paying taxes-- is that fair? A portion of that 47% are Illegal immigrants-- are we okay with this? Another portion are in poverty and working under 100 hours a month in order to keep their welfare coming in--is this how America was made? No. It's been known that 'handouts' are able to make an individual lazy. Thomas Jefferson was able see this but no one ever criticized him ;rather he was praised for his outspoken bravery. Jefferson saw the benefits to slavery in the economic arena, but he saw it made rich white men extremely lazy. Jefferson voiced his opinion and people hated him, but he was right. Being dependent on anyone or anything except for hard work and consistency is against the American way of life; at least it use to be. I have nothing against immigration if immigrants do not cut any corners and decide to take the easy way out. Many of my friends from the military were the first generation to be born in America. Their parents came from all over the world from many countries that are extremely different than the U.S Kazakhstan, Vietnam, Mexico, Trinidad, and many more. Their parents came here the right way, with the right vision, and the right mind set "hard work+consistency= results". Many of their families were wealthier than my own and many of them did better academically than kids whose parents were born in America-- I guess the apple does not fall too far from the tree after all. I guess optimism is just a side effect of being American. I use to see the world as pure as my mothers apple pie, but as I have grown I have become disgusted with a large portion of America's population. I am not saying we should not help this 47%, but maybe they shouldn't vote.

Lastly I would like to share with you all one of my role models, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Arnold came from Austria and wanted to be Mr.Olympia (best bodybuilder on earth) at the age of 15. When Arnold was 19 he won the competition and proceeded to do so until he was 27. After that he wanted to become a movie star, but many directors told Arnold that "he was too muscular or that his accent was too thick". Arnold proceeded to work hard and eventually starred in more blockbuster films than anyone in Hollywood. Arnold then went to school at the University of Wisconsin and later became governor of California. Arnold had dreamed of coming to America since the age of 10 and he did everything the right way, so why can't we do the same? Six secrets to success